10 Reasons Motherhood Is a Blast
Motherhood is a blast. Despite all the emotional chaos that motherhood brings with it, there are several things that make it more incredible than not.
10 Reasons Motherhood Is a Blast
10. You have a reason to be forgetful.
Particularly of names. You can call out multiple names, including those of pets, until you get to the right one. When your kids roll their eyes at you for forgetting their name (or, at least getting to it – eventually), you can tell them it’s their fault. They took so many of your brain cells with them at birth. That’s why they’re so smart!
9. You will have at least two invisible children in your home.
Their names are “I Don’t Know” and “Not Me.” These will answer you every time you ask your children who’s the villain of the day. You know, the one who left their cereal bowl full of milk on the coffee table in the living room. Or the one who didn’t flush the toilet after going number two. Who was it who practiced cutting their sister’s hair? “Not Me.”
8. You are an instant dictionary-thesaurus-encyclopedia-cab driver-bank-maid-comforter-defense lawyer-personal chef-secret shopper-nurse-entertainer-and the list goes on.
The moment you give birth or decide to foster or adopt or get married to a spouse who already has kids, you become supermom. Ruler of all things household and kids. Some days, it’s a wonder we get anything done besides housework and taking care of children. I truly admire you moms who work outside your homes or have special needs/chronic kids. You are not only supermom; you are Wonder Woman rolled in too!
7. You will never be bored again.
My mom always used to tell us, “There’s no such thing as boredom.” In other words, we could always find something to do to occupy our time and our minds. Read a book. Take a walk. Write something. Draw something. Play a board game. Dance around the living room. Watch a movie. Go outside and play. Give the dog a bath. Do the dishes. These are things we tell our kids to do when they come to us and say they’re bored.
I promise you, as a mother, there’s always going to be something that needs doing. Boredom will not be a word in your vocabulary any more than you will allow it to be a word in your child’s.
6. Embarrassing your children is so much fun!
Have you ever been in a public place, such as the local drug store, and had your toddler son who is no longer breast feeding reach out and grab you and say, “Boobs!” loud and proud for everyone around you to hear? Or has your child ever told the pediatrician that their weight gain or loss is due to a poor diet at home because “there’s no food in the house?” When you know darn well that the cupboards and fridge are stocked full of things “I don’t want to eat that”?
Insert red cheek emoji here.
Sometime in the future, you will have an opportunity to laugh a bit at your child’s expense. I’m not saying be cruel or rude and embarrass them in front of their friends. But there will be conversations you will have to have with them when they are a bit older, and they will turn red in the cheek. And you’ll both get a good laugh out of it this time.
5. Enjoy the roller coasters in life.
I find myself laughing with my kids as much as I cry with them. Remember those emotions I mentioned at the beginning of this post? Motherhood is an emotional roller coaster. Those little aliens we call our own can bring us to tears in a minute, frustrate the tar out of us the next, and have us laughing our heads off a moment later. Even in the times when you think you’re about to lose it, life will take a turn and you will look back on those memories fondly. Enjoy the roller coaster. Have a blast!
4. Family vacations will never be the same.
And that’s okay. Someone will always be unhappy during family vacation. Whether it’s over where you go, what you do, or what you eat, there will be one who will have an issue. There will be an argument. Tears. Moments when you and your spouse want to throw up your hands and tell them they’re never going on vacation with you again. But all will survive, and you will find great memories in those vacations. And, there’s always next year.
3. Family reunions.
Have you ever watched those videos of military personnel reuniting with their children? I cry every time. (If you need a good cry, here’s one for you.) It’s no different for us with our kids, especially if you’re a military mom.
Family reunions can be incredible, whether serving your country has taken you away from home for a season or you are simply reuniting with loved ones. It touches me every time my adopted daughter visits her biological siblings. When she saw her grandmother for the first time in a few years. I imagine I’ll experience the same tearful reunion when my son comes back from boot camp. Or a tour overseas. Family reunions are an incredible thing. Enjoy them.
2. Sing-alongs. And other such fun.
One of my all-time favorite reasons I love being a mother is the time I get to bond with my children. Whether it’s the proud-mom moments at their performances, sporting events, JROTC events, or graduations, or it’s the times we just enjoy each other as we sing in the car, see a concert or Broadway show, watch a movie, or play cards or board games, life is full of times to bond. And laugh. And enjoy each other’s company.
1. It just is a blast.
This may be a flat finale, but motherhood truly is a blast. It’s an experience you cannot trade for anything else on earth. Nothing else compares to it.
Laying one’s life down takes on a whole new meaning when you stare into those eyes as they explore the world around them for the first time. As you let those tiny fingers wrap around yours for the first time. Sniff that baby-clean head and cuddle them close. When you meet your step-child or foster child or adoptive child for the first time and the nerves hit you hard. The wonder of the newborn and the wonder of the newly in-grafted child.
The journey through their seasons of life.
The letting go as they become independent and no longer need you as they once did.
The season of the empty nest.
And then, it begins again with the grandkids. And the great-grands. Which I hear is even greater than having your own children. As difficult as they may seem to process.
Enjoy it. All of it. The messy chaos of kids. Have a blast!
Why do you love being a mom? We’d love for you to join the conversation in the comments below!