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    Why I’m Sick and Tired of Being Fat

    Alycia Morales
    October 1, 2020

    Being fat is making me sick and tired. I can hear you now, “What? You’re not fat!” Please hold the flattery. According to my BMI, I am obese. Overweight. And trust me, I can feel it.

    Last year, I signed up for a very successful program that enabled me to lose 20 pounds within a few months. I would likely have continued in that program had it not been for the expense of it. I’m a mother of five teens and young adults who eat me out of house and home already. Spending $500 per month on program food was not in my budget. The value is worth it. The coaches are personable and encouraging. Accountability is available if you want it. The education factor is done well. If you can afford it. I just couldn’t.

    It took me nearly a year to put back on that weight that I’d shed. And this fall finds me feeling rather fluffy around the middle again.

    Do you, like me, suffer from any of the following:

    • Can barely tie your shoes over your belly rolls from eating too many jelly rolls.
    • Get winded walking the stairs in your house.
    • Can’t go on a hike without huffling and puffling up the mountain, wondering if you’ll die before you make it to the top.
    • Suffer from acid reflux … or maybe it’s heartburn? They feel so much alike.
    • Allergies have increased their attack.
    • Need inhaler now when haven’t needed it before. Especially after wearing a mask.
    • Feel sick after consuming certain foods.
    • Need a nap at 2 in the afternoon because you can’t keep your eyes open.
    • Having trouble sleeping at night, so you have to take a nap at 2 in the afternoon.
    • Back hurts.
    • Carrying stress in knotted muscles.
    • Clothes are shrinking … right?
    • Slugs and sloths move faster than I do.
    • Sinus pressure leads to post-nasal drip that is magnified by wearing a mask that leads to cough that won’t quit but isn’t COVID related.
    • Eyesight is worsening. Is it my age or lack of some vitamin or mineral?

    That’s the list I created of things I want to overcome by pursuing a lifestyle of health. Mamas, I’m on a mission to lose 60 pounds of fat. To return to my size and weight post my first baby’s birth, who is now 21. I’ve birthed four babies, so I’m not hopeful that I could ever reach pre-pregnancy size again. My hips probably spread too far for that. So I’m not putting myself under the pressure of unrealistic expectations.


    The first thing a mama must do if she wants to make a change is to identify her WHY.

    WHAT do you want from life? Knowing what you want will help you determine what goals you need to set to achieve those things.

    HONESTY is key. Be honest with yourself about what you desire. For example, I desire to make enough money to live financially free. That translates to I would like to earn six or seven figures a year. Some would say that’s greedy. I say that’s achievable and admirable. Because my WHY behind that desire is to be able to bless others via donations to help make things happen in this world, like ending trafficking.

    YES should resonate from deep within you when you are sorting out your why. If it doesn’t, you may not have enough passion to drive your mission.

    Here is my WHY for losing weight, shedding fat, and pursuing health:

    I want to live a long and healthy life so that I can enjoy spending time with my family and friends. For example, I want to go on many hiking adventures with my husband as we retire. I want to enjoy my grandchildren and great grandchildren and be able to chase them without feeling like I’m running a marathon. I want to be able to sit on the floor with them and get up from it without feeling like a stiff. I want to give my children who are still in my home an opportunity to eat healthy meals at the dinner table as a family before they leave high school and my home so they have good health habits instilled in them – even at this late hour. I don’t want to die young of a heart attack. Or end up with diabetes, which runs in my family. I don’t want to put on any more weight.

    When I think of how I will feel and look and be able to think more clearly when I lose 60 pounds of fat and am making healthy choices when it comes to food, I get excited. A big ol’ YES rises up within me.

    Does this resonate with you? Are you like me? If so, I’d love for you to join me in my quest for health. I have decided to sign up for Noom. Here’s why:

    • The cost is significantly cheaper than the previous program I tried. Like, $200 for 8 months of eating normal food (fee covers health coach, education, assistance tracking weight, steps, etc. in app) versus the $500 I was paying per month to have the same opportunities but also paying for program food.
    • It’s all in an app, which makes my life SO much easier.
    • Their writers are funny.
    • I can do 15 minutes of “homework” per day and walk away feeling encouraged and confident that I can do this and lose the fat. (You can set how much work in a day you want to do. I chose the max.)
    • I can eat real food. Any food that I want. (It’s all about portion control and making wise choices.)
    • I’m on my sixth day and have seen a 2.4 pound drop in weight already.
    • I love their lessons. The writers include so many pop culture references that make me laugh. And laughter is a great way to burn some calories. It also exercises your liver.
    • There are some really good looking recipes in the app.
    • I can use recipes from other cookbooks I have in my kitchen, as well.
    • I can still drink sweet tea, although I’m working toward cutting it with unsweet.
    • The writers are highly encouraging, as well as instructive. I’m learning the psychology behind eating and making choices (emotional and mental health) while learning about food and fitness (physical health). There are pop quizzes.
    • They love cookies. So do I.

    Is that enough to encourage you to join me? If so, I have a link! (<— Click for link to Noom.) If you’re still on the fence but you want to do something about your health, let me know what’s holding you back, Mama. I’d love to encourage you!

    It’s time to take back my health. It’s time to make decisions about what I eat and how often I get up from the computer and move around the house or outside for a walk so that I can be a healthier, slimmer, happier me who doesn’t cringe when she looks in the mirror and sees that middle roll catching up with her boobs.

    I’ll be posting more as I progress. But for now, here’s my ultimate WHY:

    Sick and Tired of Being Fat

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    Alycia Comments


    1. Ginger Solomon

      I’m there with you on all those things. I didn’t do the bars (looked into them) because I’m allergic to Stevia, and ALL of them are made with it. 🙁

      I signed up for a free trial of Noom and completely forgot to do anything with it.

      I sure could use the accountability of doing it with friends.

      • Alycia Morales

        Accountability certainly helps to stay on track. If you decide you want to stick with Noom, the link I supplied will get you 20% off if you decide you like it enough to pay the fee for an 8-month subscription. 😉 I’ve lost 4 pounds in the first week! 🙂 And benefit with Noom – you can eat what you can and like to eat.