Welcome to November Mamas!
As we enter into the month of Thanksgiving, I always look forward to spending more time as a family, eating a grand meal together, and heading into the Christmas season.
But I also look forward to spending the next thirty days reflecting on all that I have to be thankful for. Occasionally, I may try to post those things to Facebook or Instagram. But I don’t tend to keep up with that on a daily basis. It turns sporadic.
This year, as I considered 30 Days of Thanksgiving, the word Thanksgiving caught my attention. I saw it as Thanks-Giving. A giving of thanks that requires an action. It’s not just a verbal expression of thanks. It’s doing something that will bless another person as we let them know how grateful we are to have them in our lives.
Turn Your Gratitude Into Action
I created a PDF download titled 30 Days of Thanks-Giving, which includes 30 activities we can do based on the things we are most often thankful for. The majority of these activities take 30 minutes or less to do. One should have no problem accomplishing them. Do them in order or mix them up. The point is simply to do them.
Get Your FREE Copy Here
To get your free copy, simply click here. And if you’re already registered to receive the Life In the MotherShip newsletter, you will be receiving your link in this month’s issue! 🙂 (You will not need to sign up again.)
Enjoy your Thanks-Giving season!